The sale of watusi at the Lolli Bros. Exotic Sale was held in Macon, Missouri on April 12, 2018. A total of 43 head of registered watusi were offered, 4 percentage animals and an additional 9 head of grade animals.
Top Selling Foundation Pure cow:
RR Daisy $6500
Top Selling Foundation Pure Bull: $2700
Bar G Candy Man (top bid on a Foundation Pure bull was $8100.00 for BWS Redman, no sale)
Top Selling Foundation Pure Heifer $5,000, Holy Smoke
Top Selling Native pure cow: $2700 Firefly
Top Selling Native pure bull $2500 Buster
Top Selling Native pure heifer: $3000 Lucy
Top Selling Foundation Steer $1650
(Top Bid Steer: $4900 No sale – Hocher)
Foundation Pure Heifers:Prices ranged from $5,000-$1250
Foundation Pure Bulls :$2700-1200
Foundation Pure cows $6500- $2750
Foundation Pure Bull calves $1650-$500
Foundation Pure steers $1650-450
Native Pure Heifers $3000-$1250
Native Pure Bulls $2500-$1100
Native Pure Cows $2700
Native Pure steers $4900NS- $300
Native Pure Heifer calves $1600-500
Native Pure Bull calves $ 975
Percentage Animals $1100-650
Grade watusi $1400-450
There was an exotic sale at the Sycamore Springs Ranch in Locust Grove, Oklahoma on April 21, 2018 which offered 6 grade watusi. The prices realized were pretty good for grade animals in a small sale. We hope that in the future more animals and registered stock will be offered at this facility.
6 grade Watusi sold.
1 – 3 yr old mean black bull $950
1 – 2 year old nice black heifer $1500
2 – 1 year old red heifers around $700
1 – 3 year old red cow bred to Longhorn bull $850
1 – 1 year old black bull $460
We thank Garett Judd and Blake Edwards for this submission.