Category Archives: Organization

Information specific to the organization itself.

Horns, Horns, and more Horns

It is no great revelation to any Watusi enthusiast whether a cattle owner or not that the most important and distinguishing feature of this species is the horn. Most of us are aware that the Watusi breed is composed of animals with huge, heavy and long horns. The heaviest and longest of all cattle breeds in the world. But not everyone is really aware just how difficult it is to come up with those fantastic horns.

Continue reading Horns, Horns, and more Horns

Selection of a Herdsire

Editor’s note: Reprinted with permission from Watusi World, Vol 1, Issue II

The selection of a herd sire is by far the most critical factor in determining 50 percent of the genetic potential of every breeder’s future calf crops. Any decision on a herd bull should be well planned and not a sentimental or hasty one. Often, the auction bargain may not prove to meet the highest requirements either. In this article we shall deal with the major considerations and decisions involving sire selection.

Continue reading Selection of a Herdsire

First Watusi in the USA

Reprinted with permission from Watusi World, Vol 5, Issue I

November 9, 1960 marks the date that the first Watusi cattle ever to enter the United States arrived. In a cooperative effort between the Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark and the Catskill Game Farm of Catskill, New York, two young bulls, one speckled red and white in color and one solid red were the first to arrive. They were born in Scandinavia of parentage direct from Africa generations before.

Continue reading First Watusi in the USA

WWA New Corporation

The votes are all in and we are officially opening/merging a new Corporation for the WWA in the State of Delaware.  We have all voted on a few changes in the ByLaws and the Board of  Directors has been spending long hours overhauling the Rules and Regulations.  We will post it all up on this site when it is ready.  Meanwhile, let’s keep getting those calves registered and keep building this wonderful breed.


The Swede Pattern – Famous ancient Watusi color pattern

Jimmie the Swede was a full blood Watusi imported to the USA from the Stockholm Zoo in Sweden by Jimmy Tarbox of Oklahoma. He was the first Watusi available in North America in frozen semen, the first to sire a Watusi embryo transfer and appears in the most pedigrees of any Watusi sire this side of Africa. Although he has been replaced by modern bulls with more horn, he left his “Swedish Pattern” color in Mexico, Canada and in between.

Continue reading The Swede Pattern – Famous ancient Watusi color pattern

King Louis

King Louis was a large red bull sired by the famous Valentino of the Busch Gardens, Tampa Florida breeding program and out of the cow Fraulien who was an imported cow from the Frankfurt Zoo in Germany. Louis shows up many times in bloodlines of the World Watusi Association records. Although he was used on a few foundation pure cows he was ultimately used extensively on percentage animals by Liar’s Lake of Sparta, Missouri producing over 200 offspring.

red ankole-watusi bull standing in field with trees in background
King Louis

Liar’s Lake Kenya Jim

Liar’s Lake Kenya Jim was born at Texas Safari in 1988. He has been used extensively as a sire by Liar’s Lake having produced over one hundred calves. Jimmy was sired by Heinz, of the Catskill Game Farm breeding lines, and out of Kathy, one of the highest selling Watusi cows of the last decade. Kathy was from the Rare Animal Survival Center, Ocala, Florida.

Lolli’s Spit Fire

Lolli’s Spit Fire is a wonderful example of close line breeding producing an outstanding individual and a beautiful calf of Foxfire. His horns measure 26 inches in circumference at the base, making him one of the largest horned individuals in the breed. He was used for a few years by the Lolli Brothers of Macon, Missouri prior to finding a home with Heiken’s Ark in Des Moines, Iowa.


Masterpiece, WWAFP129

Masterpiece was Grand Champion Foundation Pure bull at the Colorado State Fair multiple times, a well deserved honor. Masterpiece was one of the largest bulls in the breed weighing in at 2305 pounds at the age of 5 years. He was the product of the Great Adventure Park in Jackson, New Jersey in 1980.   He was used extensively by the Zavislan Ranches in Pueblo West, Colorado mostly on percentage animals.
