Category Archives: Miscellaneous

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Spring is in the air and the calves are comimg.  We would be happy to hellp you brag.  Just submit your photos or information to the website or send them to Cindi at  If they are for sale we can publish the price if you desire.


Spring Fling

With all that is going on in the world Spring is sneaking up on us quickly.  The World Watusi Association is planning our annual “Spring Fling” in conjunction with the exotic animal sale at the Lolli Bros in Macon, Missouri.  Our get-together is scheduled for April 6, 2022 at  7:00pm in the conference room of the Comfort Inn, 1821 North Street, Macon, Missouri, 660-385-8000.   Dinner will be available.  The Watusi Cattle are scheduled to sell on Thursday, April 7 after the 9:00am Buffalo sale.  Hurry to consign your animals at

If you have any items that you would like to donate to our ‘Fun Auction’ bring them to the meeting.  See you all there.

The meeting of the Board of Director’s will be held in the same location at 4:00 Wednesday prior to the get-together.


comfort inn2 lolli-barn

Elections for WWA Board of Directors

It is that time of year again when we decide on our Board of Directors for the World Watusi Association.   Each director serves a term of three years and then the position is available again for nomination and election.

This year the positions of Veron Base, Duane Gilbert and Garett Judd are up.  Garret who has seved well as a board member and as Vice-Presdent of the Association has decided that he will not be able to serve another term at this time so his term will expire in September of this year.  We have all been fortunate to have Garett’s energy and enthusiasm shared with the Association and wish him the best in his future endeavors. Vernon and Duane have agreed to run again.   The nominating committee for this year is comprised of; Chairman Pat Burnett, 903-288-3334\; and Brian Sims,  405-229-1862  and Barry Retchkoff, 563-.663-0840  Anyone that might be interested in running this year please contact one of these committee members.  Most of our Board meetings are conducted by teleconference and two in person meeting in Macon, Missouri in conjunction with the Lolli Bros. exotic sale.  We have attached our Questionnaire in this post for your use.   Candidate quest 

Nominations must be postmarked or received by email on or before July 1, 2021.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of the committee or the Board.

Spring Updates

At our spring 2021 get-together and board meeting several items have been modified.    We want to expand our reach out for scholarship applicants.  Anyone that has high school juniors or seniors in their life heading for college or connections to an FFA, 4H or other agriculture  programs that might be interested in Watusi should check out our program.

Bull registration rules:  “All bulls, Foundation Pure or Native Pure, must be registered by the breeder or the owner of the dam at the time of birth.  Priivate or farm sales of bulls are eligible for registration by breeder and transfer into new owner’s name at time of registration.   Any bull being sold at an auction sale must be accompanied by the hard copy of the registration papers or access to it.  Bulls cannot be sold at auction on application for registration with the exception of calves less than 60 days of age being sold at the dam’s side. Any bull calves sold at auction at dam’s side must be registered with 30 days of sale.”

We will be posting our completed updated Rules on this website in the future.

Spring Get-Together

The Lolli Bros Exotic Animals sale in Macon, Missouri is scheduled for April 7 through the 9th.  Watusi will sell on Thursday April 8, 2021.

The World Watusi Association will hold a Spring Get-Together in the meeting room of the Macon Comfort Inn at 7:00pm on Wednesday April 7, 2021.  We will have a catered meal, a fun auction (feel free to bring your checkbooks and items to donate) and lots of good company.

Our Board of Director’s will hold the spring meeting at 4:00pm in the same room.  Any items of concern or discussion  should be brought to either meeting.  We will be looking forward to seeing you all at the festivities.

Annual membership meeting

Hello Everyone, We hope that your summer is pleasant and you are enjoying many beautiful watusi babies.  Even with these odd times we are experiencing the WWA wants to proceed with our fall membership meeting, dinner and get together.
We will hold our Board of Directors meeting Wednesday, September 23rd at 4:00 pm at the Comfort Inn Macon, MO.  The general membership meeting will follow at 7:00 pm.  We want to remind our members that you are welcome to attend the Board meeting, but if you have an issue you want to speak on please notify a Board member or the office prior so that it can be added to the agenda.  Also if there are any agenda items you would like addressed please submit them to Robin at the office or Cindi at the above email by September 9.  Ag Safe Crop Insurance will be giving a drought insurance presentation and will sponsor the meal for all attendees.
We will have our Fun Auction so please check around for any donation items that you can bring.  We hope to see you all at this event.  Have a great day and stay safe

Elections for WWA Board of Directors

It is that time of year again when we decide on our Board of Directors for the World Watusi Association.   Each director serves a term of three years and then the position is available again for nomination and election.

This year the positions of Blake Edwards, Cindi Darling and Cory Cruellar are up.  Cory has had some life changes and regrets that he will not be able to serve another term at this time so his term will expire in September of this year.  We have all been fortunate to have Cory with his knowledge and good sense to share with the Association and wish him the best.  Blake and Cindi have agreed to run again.   The nominating committee for this year is comprised of Garett Judd,  270-670-7787,; Pat Burnett, 903-288-3334,; and Matt Moffat, 405-205-0435,  Anyone that might be interested in running this year please contact one of these committee members.  Most of our Board meetings are conducted by teleconference and two in person meeting in Macon, Missouri in conjunction with the Lolli Bros. exotic sale.  We have attached our Questionnaire in this post for your use.   Candidate quest  

Nominations must be postmarked or received by email on or before July 1, 2020.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact any member of the committee or the Board.