Cynthia Darling “Cindi” has been an inspiration and a dear friend to so many not just in the Watusi breed but throughout the exotic world and beyond. She began raising Watusi in the early 80’s and served on the WWA board of directors from that time until her passing this spring. Her contribution and dedication to the WWA and the Watusi breed will remain unmatched. No words can describe her importance to this association and the Watusi breed and how much she will be missed by all. Anyone who knew Cindi can tell you she was one of a kind!
The WWA Board of Directors will meet in Macon, MO at the Comfort Inn Meeting Room at 4:00 pm on April, 9 2025. The spring fling membership meeting will follow at 7:00 pm and all Watusi enthusiasts are welcome to attend. Catered meal by donation. Fun auction of donated items will benefit the WWA and the function. Anyone is welcome to come and feel free to bring items for the fun auction and any paperwork needing assistance with. For more information contact any board member.
The WWA altered our Scholarship rules this year. We normally offer one annual Scholarship for $1,000.00, this year however we were faced with a difficult decision. We were presented with three very qualified individuals so thanks to the generosity of a donor we had $500.00 privately added to our fund and we choose to award three $500.00 Scholarships. Our recipients are: Brent Judd who will be attending Kentucky Auction Academy. Brent has been involved with watusi for 10 years and has participated with the breed association during that time. He hopes to acquaint more young people with the breed from his own animals and his future plans in the livestock industry through sale venues.: Nathan Lanier is presently attending Appalachian State University. He has been involved with raising and selling calves for many years and then became acquainted with the Watusi breed. He became particularly fascinated with the variety of horns. He feels that his youth is a benefit to marketing and wants to get more farmers involved.: Our third recipient is Taysia Richens, she will be attending Utah State University with a plant based agricultural major. Taysia’s family has been raising watusi all of her life so she is no new comer to the breed. She looks forward to applying her horticulture education to improving the care and maintenance of the breed itself. She has extensive experience in exhibiting, showing and promoting the breed in multiple venues and plans to continue benefiting the breed and the association.
Our Board of Director’s is very excited to see this level of enthusiasm and variety of directions these young people show. We believe that these traits are the future of our Association and the continuation of this wonderful breed.
The Board Positions available for the 2024 through 2025 season are open for nomination through July 1, 2024. The expiring 3 year terms of Duane Gilbert, Vernon Base and Will Ross are available. Anyone with an interest in running may contact any member of the nomination commitee, Blake Edwards, Cindi Darling or Barry Retchloff.
On October 7, 2023 the World Watusi Association held its second annual show at the American Royal facility in Kansas City, Missouri. Per the show venue “The American Royal began in October of 1899 as the National Hereford Show, the first nationwide show for the exposition and sale of purebred cattle.” This year was the 124th for this show venue. It was refreshing to hear a cowboy’s prayer that our animals would behave and to hear Lee Greenwood’s stunning version of our National Anthem.
The first class this show was Sr. Showmanship. Blake Edwards was awarded 1st place with Red Hill Girlie Sue a 2017 Native cow. Girlie Sue also took 1st place in the Native Female born 2018 or before class as well as earning the Grand Champion in Native Females. Blake and Girlie Sue had a great day.
Blake Edwards with Red Hill Girlie Sue
Second place went to Clayton Mason with Liars Lake Reynaldo a 2022 calf. This was the first time in Showmanship for both of them.
Clayton Mason and Liars Lake Reynaldo
October 7, 2023
Animal Name Birthdate Exhibitor
Showmanship at Halter, Sr.
1st Red Hill Girlie Sue 6/15/2017 Blake Edwards
2nd Liars Lake Reynaldo 5/13/2022 Cynthia Darling
Native Females Born 2023
1st Liars Lake Shooting Star 4/26/2023 Cynthia Darling
Native Females, born 2022
1st BSCC Miss Redbud 5/29/2022 Joseph Lolli
Native Females born 2020 or 2019
1st Liars Lake PITA 6/2/2019 Cynthia Darling
Native Females born 2018 or before
1st Red Hill Girlie Sue 6/15/2017 Blake Edwards
2nd Liars Lake Starmist 5/16/2018 Cynthia Darling
Grand Champion Native Female Red Hill Girlie Sue
Reserve Champion Native Female Liars Lake PITA
Foundation Pure Females born 2023
1st Red Hill Megavolt 4/27/2023 Blake Edwards
2nd BSCC Lady Teardrop 7/15/2023 Brian Sims
3rd RRR Rosa Roja 1/14/2023 Barry Retchloff
4th Liars Lake Hamu 6/28/2023 Cynthia Darling
Foundation Pure Females born 2022
1st BSCC Moon Shadow 5/16/2022 Brian Sims
2nd MR Valentina 1/28/2022 Brian Sims
3rd Red Hill Tempest Storm 4/26/2022 Blake Edwards
4th BSCC Crimson Queen 6/09/2022 Joseph Lolli
5th Liars Lake Hyacinth 5/05/2022 Cynthia Darling
Foundation Pure Females born 2021
1st Red Hill Dolly Blaze 5/22/2021 Blake Edwards
2nd Liars Lake Storm Front 6/22/2021 Cynthia Darling
Foundation Pure Females born 2020 or 2019
1st Red Hill Too-Far-Rae 6/08/2019 Blake Edwards
2nd RGR Lucky Lady 5/23/2020 Brian Sims
3rd Liars Lake Azelea 6/1/2019 Cynthia Darling
4th RRR Brittney 5/23/2020 Barry Retchloff
Foundation Pure Females born in 2018 or before
1st Red Hill Kilavolt 6/20/2018 Blake Edwards
2nd BSCC Red Red Wine 4/23/2017 Brian Sims
3rd Liars Lake Hottie 6//14/2015 Cynthia Darling
4th RRR Carolina’s Red Roan 6/15/2015 Barry Retchloff
5th Coon Creek Kianeeshi 6/13/2017 Brian Sims
Grand Champion Foundation Pure Female Red Hill Kilavolt
Reserve Champion Foundation Pure Female Red Hill Dolly Blaze
Cow/Calf Cows born I 2019 or after
1st Red Hill Too-Far-Rae 6/08/2019 Blake Edwards
2nd RGR Lucky Lady 5/23/2020 Brian Sims
3rd Liars Lake Azelea 6/1/2019 Cynthia Darling
4th RRR Brittney 5/05/2020 Barry Retchloff
Cow/Calf Cows born I 2018 or before3
1st Red Hill Kilavolt 6/20/2019 Blake Edwards
2nd BSCC Red Red Wine 4/23/2017 Brian Sims
3rd RRR Carolina’s Red Roan 6/15/2015 Barry Retchloff
4th Coon Creek Shakira 3/05/2010 Joseph Lolli
5th Liars Lake Hottie 6//14/2015 Cynthia Darling
Bulls Born 2023
1st BSCC Mavericjk 4/23/2023 Brian Sims
2nd Red Hill Rockin Uno 1/19/2023 Blake Edwards
3rd BSCC Bordeaux 4/18/2023 Brian Sims
4th Liars Lake Alfalfa 5/08/2023 Cynthia Darling
Bulls Born 2022
1st BSCC Tafari Storm 4/26/2022 Brian Sims
2nd Red Hill Hot Stepper 5/10/2022 Blake Edwards
3rd Liars Lake Rumble 5/30/2022 Cynthia Darling
Bulls Born 2201
1st Liars Lake Kakoma 8/07/2021 Cynthia Darling
2nd Diamond Black Lightning 4/12/2021 Joseph Lolli
Here is an opportunity to purchase a quality starter herd. These animals are located in Mississippi. The group consists of 6 heifers, 2 are percentage 4 are Foundation pure. One first calf heifer with a heifer calf and a young Foundation bull herdsire.
For further information contact seller Jon Catlett at 601-770-3717
Darol has provided us with another interesting history lesson from watusi backgrounds. Thank you.
Jimmy The Swede, a history
DCC e-News #330 – 10-28-23
by Darol Dickinson
Jimmy The Swede was born in a Stockholm, Sweden zoo in 1977. Him and a solid red bull were purchased by Jimmy Tarbox of Oklahoma, brought to the USA and quarantined for months in the Harry S. Truman Import Center of Florida. This process cost many thousands of dollars and only for those with great appreciation of rare genetics could afford it. It was the regulation for all zoo animals and livestock coming into the USA breeding herds. Blood was drawn monthly, all kinds of tests were run. If a resident of HST flagged any positive test, the carcass would be burned immediately. In fact every day sanitary methods of scooping fecal material and burning it was standard process. To government inspectors capable of finding bones in animal crackers—there was an hourly hunt for any infectious organisms.
Jimmy The Swede, at DCC, in Colorado. We liked his specks, but had no clue this line of colors was a strong genetic factor originating from one animal of the 1920 African import to Europe.
Jimmy Tarbox bought two bulls so in case one was government destroyed, he would have one survivor. When both bulls were clean as a meat axe, he had an extra bull. Knowing of this effort Dickinson Cattle Co (DCC) was able to lease one speckled bull for 2 years. Jimmy kept the red bull.
Once the speckled bull got to DCC in Colorado, semen was collected and he was introduced to his first Watusi and other horned cow herd. Jimmy was the first Watusi sire for frozen semen collection and was the first to sire calves by embryo transfer.
Prior to the influence of Jimmy The Swede most North American Watusi herds were totally red or only had a few white spots. This is the Rare Animal Survival Center, a major importer, in Ocala, Florida, 1979.
He sired more Watusi calves than any other Watusi sire in history. His name appears in more registered Watusi pedigrees than any other bull. His signature trait is a distinct line of separation on his progeny that goes from the center of the nose, to the jaw, to the middle of the neck to the middle of the ribs and on to the middle of the hip. This line generally is dark mahogany above the line and white below with mahogany spots. Due to his singular influence about 15% of the registered Watusi in the USA carry this popular color pattern. It is the strongest genetic factor in the USA Watusi herds.
This age 4 Watusi cow in the DCC herd traces back to Jimmy 6 generations deep. This is now called the “Swede pattern.” The word “Jimmy” came from Jimmy Tarbox and of course Sweden was the birth origin.
Titan Wolf is an AI sire used for semen export who sires strong Swede color in 3 countries.
This Watusi in Mexico, although not a perfect Swede pattern, sires many progeny with perfect Swedes.
In 1984 a group of excited Watusi enthusiasts comprised of Don Zavislan
(President) of Pueblo West, Colorado; Darol Dickinson (Vice President), Calhan, Colorado; Marlin Neidhardt, Hebron, North Dakota; Peter Lang, Santa Rosa, California; Bill Lowe, Canon City, Colorado; Emmett Jones, Dobbin, Texas; and Willard Moore, Columbus, Montana became the first Board of Directors of a new organization to become known as the World Watusi Association. The Association was formed to collect records and maintain a stud book of the pedigrees for this rare and unique breed of cattle, as well as to be a promotional force for all those who love these special animals.
Although many modern Watusi who don’t have the Swede Pattern do in fact possess wild-design African white markings. The whiter spot patterns are commanding attention and top prices, many of which go back to this early foundation citizen of Sweden.
If you are going to be in the Kansas City, Missouri area do not miss your chance to see the World Watusi Association’s 2nd annual Watusi show at the American Royal Complex, 1701 American
Royal Court, Kansas City, Missouri. The Watusi Show will be held at 2:00pm at the Hale Arena, on Saturday, October 7, 2023.
We are having our fall sale and meetings in conjunction with the Lolli Bros. Exotic animals sale in Macon, Missouri. The Board of Directors will meet 4:00 pm Wednesday September 20th at the Macon Comfort Inn Breakfast Room.
The membership meeting will be at 7:00 pm at the Round House Community Room 1402 South Missouri Street in Macon same day. We will have dinner a meeting and our Fun Auction. See you all there.
We want to thank Darol Dickinson for his ongoing contributions to our knowledge base.
Genetic Defects, Abnormalities, Sports And Broken Genes
The good and bad in a registered herd.
DCC Ranch e-News #296 – 1-02-23
by Darol Dickinson
Abnormalities are present in all species, including virtually all breeds of cattle. Some abnormalities can be identified visually because of the obvious differences between a normal animal and an abnormal one. Abnormalities in cattle may be caused by a variety of factors, including the environment, infectious agents and genetic mutations. Environmental factors, such as toxic plants, can cause an abnormal calf. Likewise, infectious agents (such as bacteria, viruses and fungi) may result in an abnormal calf. The following data relates to those abnormalities that are pathological (disease) conditions of genetic origin. These types of abnormalities have come to be known as “genetic defects.” Genetic defects include an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal function, due to a broken or mutated gene. Before designating a condition a genetic defect, it is important to give consideration to environmental and infectious possibilities.
The American Angus Association currently recognizes numerous genetic defects. These defects may result in either increased mortality, increased morbidity, decreased production, and/or decreased ability to market cattle. As such, their unchecked presence in the population is undesirable. The most known include Dwarfism, Osteopetrosis, Double Muscling, Syndactyly (mule foot), Arthrogryposis Multiplex, and Heterochromia Irides. Although these defects are undesirable, some of the most sought after Angus genetics are proven to possess these traits. When these defective traits are out-crossed to unrelated or non defective genetics their frequency can be managed to zero.
From a more scientific view, mutation, the process which produces errors during copying of DNA, is a fact of genetics. It is unavoidable and unfixable. This means that every calf born in all herds carries approximately 30 mutations that originated in the sperm and egg that created the calf. Only 3% of an animal’s DNA codes proteins, so most of these 30 mutations do not affect genes. But, a small number of these mutations will be within a gene and the protein coded by that gene will no longer function normally.
They sometimes refer to these genes which carry a loss of function mutation as broken genes. This means new broken genes are added to the pool of existing broken genes in the population every calving season. The mutations responsible for these broken genes usually disappear from the population simply due to random chance. Occasionally a mutation will rise to higher frequency and will be passed down through generations often as a result of inbreeding. Most of these broken genes carry recessive mutations; this means that two copies of the broken gene must be inherited for the animal to be affected. When only one copy of a recessive mutation is inherited from one parent the animal is normal because it uses the functioning copy inherited from the other parent. Many of these unusual scientific happenings are not documented or even noticed by the owners.
Seven days after cows are mated, 90 + – % of the matings result in pregnancies. But, when we observe cows 45 days after the mating, only 60 to 70% of the cows are still pregnant. Cows are aborting about 20% of the pregnancies during the first 45 days. While handling and nutrition influence these pregnancy losses, genetics also play a role. Twin pregnancies increase the abortion percentages.
On average, an animal will inherit 100 broken genes from its parents. Of these, 20 are lethal, meaning if two copies are inherited the embryo dies during pregnancy, usually early in Mutation, the process which produces errors during copying of DNA happens, and always will.
Researchers at the University of Missouri, along with collaborators from the University of California-Davis, Oklahoma State University, Delta G, and University of New England, have sequenced the entire DNA of 254 bulls. Using this DNA sequence information, they can identify DNA variants that could possibly lead to broken genes and embryonic losses. From this data they have identified 4,821 possible variants, of which 347 are within genes shown to be essential for life in mouse or human. To validate whether or not these DNA variants are responsible for embryonic losses, they will test these variants in 10,000 heifers. If they never observe an animal carrying two copies of a variant then they have strong evidence that the variant is a recessive lethal and causes embryonic losses. We can then create a DNA test (i.e. genomic prediction) for embryonic loss and measure how many broken genes an animal carries. And, what you can measure, you can manage.
Jon Beever PhD, of the Urbana, IL, Department of Animal Sciences has made a life study of genetics, genomics and bioinformatics. He was contacted by the BueLingo Beef Cattle Society when a member had concerns about an unusual defect found in his herd. Semen from historic foundation sires was provided with hundreds of hair samples from most major BueLingo herds. After thousands of DNA tests were preformed at U of IL, all defects traced back to a bull named Chilingo who was sired by an imported Italian Chianina sire named Yuma. A certain percentage of his progeny were also PMT (Congenital Pseudomyotona) yet as the PMT genetics blended into non PMT genetics it was diluted to minimal effect. Although originally thought to be a problem that would tarnish the breed, data of registered BueLingo during 2014 revealed 791 tested PMT free — 71 PMT carriers — 1 PMT affected and 3 pending inconclusive. Now that the one origin was identified the carrier, and PMT affected animals can be removed from the herd or carefully mated to PMT free animals and the issue of concern will be history.
In certain breeds identified broken genes are from the most popular performance genetics. Rather than destroy highly productive genetics the out-crossing away from inbreeding allows the qualities to remain and the defects to be eliminated.
How can cattle breeders manage these unique genes? There are a couple of strategies. First, once a DNA test is available, breeders can select the animals with the fewest number of broken genes. Secondly, breeders can research pedigrees to ensure they never mate carriers of the same genetic defect. Each of these strategies will reduce embryonic losses, while not removing important, high quality animals from the population.
In the case of a “genetic forward bounce” a Mutation or Sport may be the greatest thing a breeder could ever wish for. As the DNA of two parents separates into a concoction of various new attributes in the resulting offspring, there can be a person, horse, bovine or plant that as Webster says, “is a sudden variation in some inheritable characteristic of an animal or plant.” A Sport is an organism that is the exact 100% DNA of the direct sire and dam, yet a “sudden variation” from other full or half siblings. This mutation change is the source of every excelling species — of every breed leading virtue. In this respect, the genetic bounce forward is the mutation every breeder lives to appreciate.
The most understood mutation can be traced back to the first polled cattle. The polled mutation factor was line-bred to produce Angus, and all the current polled breeds. Mutations can be profitable or a physical disaster — you decide!
In certain breeds identified broken genes are from the most popular performance genetics. Rather than destroy highly productive genetics the out-crossing away from inbreeding allows the qualities to remain and the defects to be eliminated. These highly profitable genetics can continue to be profitable with correct understanding and management. The most famous defect in the Quarter Horse industry is Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP) This is a natural mutation identified in the famous stallion Impressive but never identified in any of his sire or dam’s progeny. The HYPP mutation was only found in Impressive and certain of his progeny. Although Quarter Horse breeders were quite well aware of HYPP and it’s hereditary influence, his genetics continued and more World Champion Halter horses came from this line than any in history. It became a manageable mutation and thousands of Impressive progeny were not affected.
Thanks to data provided by the American Angus Assn. Dr. Jon Beevers, University of Illinois, Jared Decker, University of Missouri, Trails Magazine, University of California-Davis, Oklahoma State University, University of New England and Buelingo World Magazine.