Category Archives: News & Updates

News and updates about Watusi cattle, the organization, and members’ farms & ranches. If you have news you would like to publish or would like to become a contributor, please email us at

Fall 2015 Annual Membership meeting

Garrett Judd is notifying all of us of the plans he has arranged for our Fall, 2015 membership meeting.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 7:00pm in the meeting room inside the Comfort Inn, in Macon, Missouri.

The Sale is scheduled for Thursday September 24.

Garrett’s message points out that we are hosting our Fun Auction again.  Any and all donations are needed and welcome.  If you know that you are coming and if you have any donation for the auction please let Pam know at the office.  See you in September.


On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 4:46 PM, <> wrote:

Hello to All,
Just thought I would run this by everyone again about the fall meeting and sale as its just around the corner.I have the meeting room at the Comfort Inn reserved for the meeting, gathering and fun auction for the Wednesday night(9/23/15) prior to the sale on Thursday. It will be in the same location as it was this past April. Also Nolands catering will be serving the food. Will need to decide on what we want him to serve closer to date and a approx amount expected to attend.I have already approved this by Pat prior to planning this awhile back. Just thought I would run this back by everybody again. Also if anybody has any ideas or donations to help the Association raise money at this event they will greatly be appreciated. Also it would be great to have it on our website and shared around to help with the attendance.     Thanks

Judd Watusi Farm

Promotional items available

Looking for a snazzy way to promote this great breed? The World Watusi Association offers a variety of apparel items for sale! Shirts, hoodies, hats, jackets, and a tote bag, oh my!

To purchase, please contact Robin at the office (254)  797-3032 or info@watusi.orgPrices shown do not include shipping charges.

Promotional TShirts – Time running out

Hey everyone, the time to submit your bid on the center spot of the World Watusi Association’s TShirt ad space is running out.  Our current bid is $400.00 and bidding will end on Monday the 15th of June.  If you are still wanting to be featured on one of the smaller spaces you are also on the same deadline.  Contact Robin at or 254-797-3032.


News tidbits…

Here we are marching through spring already, my how time flies.  There are only two weeks left to submit your bid for the center place on our promotional TShirts or to arrange for one of the smaller spots surrounding the big ad.  Please contact Robin at the office in Texas 254-797-3032 or at

Also if all members could take a moment to update your membership records to include any email,  cell phone and URL addresses.  You can send this information to our Secretary, Pam at

More to come.





African Watusi

The photo was taken in 1998 or thereabouts within the Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. At that time there were many such beautiful herds but they are increasingly rare outside the ranches of the Bahima elite. The majority are unable to continue to keep such herds because they are settled on small plots of land, with limited water and need to earn revenue for school fees and such like from milk. The majority are therefore cross breeding with exotic breeds to increase milk and meat production.


Mark Infield
Uganda: +256 794 698 723 
Uganda :+256 757 844 803
UK:+44 7950 969 635


Bidding continues….

The bidding continues on our centerpiece ad of our promotional TShirts.  The bid has been raised once again and is presently at $350.00.  The bidding will continue until June 15 which is the final deadline and ALSO  the deadline to reserve one of the dozen ads circling the centerpiece is June 15.

Contact Robin at the WWA Registry office to submit or raise your bid and to submit your camera ready ad copy.