Category Archives: News & Updates

News and updates about Watusi cattle, the organization, and members’ farms & ranches. If you have news you would like to publish or would like to become a contributor, please email us at

Shirts for Sale at Macon

Ok all you WWA and tie dye fans we have shirts! Get ready to help the WWA make a tie dyed wave in Macon! We’ll have sizes from 12 months through 3xl. Bring your money and be ready to spend it on one of the coolest shirts around. In the spirit of tie dye…. Peace, love and Watusi!  Lissa Pabst

These will be available at the Macon, Missouri sale and get-together on April 6 and 7, 2016



As you know your Association operates a website located at We routinely post information, photos and such about the Association and watusi cattle. We are embarking on an exciting new upgrade to our site. When finished we will have available our complete ‘Herd Book’ of pedigree records online in a searchable format. This is where our membership enters the picture. Firstly we are offering to publish a membership list online. We want to recognize your input and privacy so we ask that all of you advise the office of your desire to be included or your wish to not be shown.

In the pedigrees the breeder will show, which will include name, city and state. We also have this same information available for current owner as shown on the certificate of registration. If you desire to have more contact information to be shown please indicate on the attached form and return to the office. All non-responses will be considered opt out decisions. The second item we need your assistance with is our photograph project. The registration certificates contain photographs of the animal, however, most of these are as calves. We would like to be able to link as many adult photographs as possible to these pedigrees.   If you would like to participate please send your photograph (s) to our office Please identify the animal in the photograph.


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­TO THE WORLD WATUSI ASSOCIATION: Please print out this form, complete and initial your response and send to office.


I would like to opt out of participation in our online membership list. Do not post any personal information. ­­_______________________

I wish to participate in the online membership list. Please list indicated items. _______________

Name: ____________________________   
Membership # ____________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________

Phone # ____________________________

Cell Phone: #__________________________________

URL (Website) _____________________________

Email address: __________________________

Farm/Ranch Name: __________________________________________________

Any other information you would like listed: ________________________________________________________________________


2016 Spring Fling Get Together

It is Spring again.  For some of us the grass is starting to green up and we ar getting ready for those new calves.  With Spring comes the Lolli Bros. Exotic Animal Sale in Macon, Missouri,   Watusi will sell on Thursday, April 7 and we will be having a social at 7:00p. m. CST Wednesday, April 6, 2016 in the conference room at the Comfort Inn Macon, Missouri.  Besides food and watusi talk we will hold our Fun Auction of a variety of donated items, the proceeds from which help fund the Association.   Sneak peek at auction items…coming from Texas. This is a professionally prepared Watusi skull. Not a big one, but at least a good starter kit!

Spring auction 2016

These are a few of the other miscellaneous items offered.  From Kentucky…

Spring Fling 2016b
Horn key holders

…from Utah

Spring Fling 2016d

Please check around your barn and house to see if there is anything you would like to donate.  All items are appreciated.

New rule changes – Percentage Female Hardship

In our September meetings the Board of Directors has finalized a new registration program for percentage female animals.

For a period of one year from September 23, 2015 through September 22, 2016 in an attempt to recognize animals that have been lost to the registry the World Watusi Association is offering a special category for the Hardship of mature female percentage animals. During this period a non-refundable $100.00 hardship fee, three (3) photos one each from the left side, right side and the front shall be submitted to the Registrar together with an application as complete as possible including the best estimate of the age of the animal and any known information. The animal will be accepted or rejected for registration based upon the ruling of the entire Board of Directors. The Board shall rule in the following categories: 1) Native Pure 2) ¾ Blood 3) ½ Blood or 4) Not a Watusi. Registration fee shall be $25.00 on animals accepted by the board.
After acceptance and registration of females, calves of the hardship female under the age of 12 months will be eligible for registration under the regular rules in Section 4 and 5.1 of Rules. Prior calves over 12 months of age shall be subject to the hardship rules herein.

Watusi breeder suspended

The Board of Directors of the World Watusi Association has suspended the membership privileges of North Texas Exotics known as NTE and Keith Fletcher of Sulphur Springs,Texas.   NTE also operates from Yuba City, CA.   No animals may be registered or transferred by these entities or anyone representing them.  Any animal currently registered or  purchased from these entities or associates will need to have WWA Board approval before registration or transfer is confirmed. If anyone has any questions, please contact a board member or the WWA Registrar.

More fun auction items donated

A few more of the items for our ‘Fun Auction’. The auction will be held during our annual membership meeting on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00p CT at the Comfort Inn in Macon, Missouri.

Not pictured: A southwest style mirror; 50 pound bag of 50/50 feed from Johnson Feed Store in Sparta, Missouri.

If you have items to donate, please contact Pam by phone at 270-376-2940 or by email at

Fun Auction
1000 franc note from Rwanda with Ankole cattle
Fun Auction 2
Horn wall hooks