Category Archives: News & Updates

News and updates about Watusi cattle, the organization, and members’ farms & ranches. If you have news you would like to publish or would like to become a contributor, please email us at

Another sad loss….

I hate to be the bearer of sad news, but we have lost our beloved Dick Heiken of Heiken’s Ark in Des Moines, Iowa.  Dick and Kathy has been mainstays in our little association for longer than they would like to admit.  Their contribution to the breed and our association is unlimited.  Dick will be missed by anyone who ever met him.


Kathy and Dick Heiken



Registration clarification

To all members and watusi owners.  We regularly receive a number of questions regarding our registration procedures and rules.  A complete copy of our rules is located on this website.  If you have any specific questions always feel free to contact Robin at our office or any of our board members, we promise that we will find you an answer.

One repetitive question of late has to to with our registration procedures involving undocumented animals and/or animals that have paperwork from another organization.  We have implemented a percentage female hardship program which is documented here on our website.  As to animals presented with paperwork from some other source, the World Watusi Association will recognize registration records from the AWIR (American Watusi International Registry) but at the present time no other organization.   Again if you have any questions please contact us. 


New website feature

As most of you should be aware we recently upgraded our website to include a complete listing of all Watusi registered with the World Watusi Association.  Members in good standing can access this information at any time by clicking the link at the top of the homepage at  Now we are working on our next project.

We would like to make available as many photographs as possible for these registered animals.  As you know the registration process provides for photographs to be submitted, however, these are most often taken within the first year of life of the animal.  We would request that anyone with more updated photographs of their animals submit them to us and we will place them on your animal’s pedigree page.

Simply send in the photo, give us the animal’s name and if you have it the approximate date that the photo was taken so we can determine the age.  Needless to say most of these animals change significantly from birth to death, how they are represented it up to you.  This will include all animals, alive or deceased, the more the better.

If you have any questions please contact Cindi Darling at



Every year as our annual membership meeting approaches we prepare for our election of new members to the Board of Directors.

Our membership meeting will be held on September 21, 2016 in Macon, Missouri so we must get our ballots ready by July.

There are three positions coming up for election this year for 3 year terms.  If you would like to run or if you know of some other member that would like to run and serve, please contact Pam Jackson, our Secretary,  at or Cindi Darling, or Garett Judd,

This Association belongs to all of our members and as such the determination of our Board of Director’s is important to every one of us.  The qualifications are simple besides a desire to serve, one must be an active, voting member in good standing for two consecutive years with no felony convictions.   We look forward to more participation.

Update on new rule changes

We previously reported that in our September, 2015 meeting the Board of Directors of the World Watusi Association approved a new hardship registration program for female percentage animals.  This has been a very successful program and many previously lost animals have been added to our breeding pool.

For a period of one year from September 23, 2015 through September 22, 2016 in an attempt to recognize animals that have been lost to the registry the World Watusi Association is offering a special category for the Hardship of mature female percentage animals. During this period a non-refundable $100.00 hardship fee, three (3) photos one each from the left side, right side and the front shall be submitted to the Registrar together with an application as complete as possible including the best estimate of the age of the animal and any known information. The animal will be accepted or rejected for registration based upon the ruling of the entire Board of Directors. The Board shall rule in the following categories: 1) Native Pure 2) ¾ Blood 3) ½ Blood or 4) Not a Watusi. Registration fee shall be $25.00 on animals accepted by the board.
After acceptance and registration of females, calves of the hardship female under the age of 12 months will be eligible for registration under the regular rules in Section 4 and 5.1 of Rules. Prior calves over 12 months of age shall be subject to the hardship rules herein.


  1.  Complete the existing Registration Application as much as possible.
  2. Provide three (3) photos of the animal for whom the application is submitted.  These photos may be submitted by email or by mail.  The poses are to be one from each side and the front of the animal.
  3.  Please provide as much information as possible.  On a separate paper please state where and when was the animal obtained?  Name and address of seller, name and address of breeder if available,   Any information provided when animal was purchased.  Any photos and/or information on the sire and dam.

Not having any information on the background of the animal submitted for hardship registration does not disqualify it from consideration, but will aid the Board in making a decision.


This is the young Foundation Pure watusi  bull Heikens Ark Lyman, presently owned and utilized by Pat and Trisha Burnett of StarB Texotics of Wills Point, Texas.

heikens Ark Lyman (Intimidator)

HEIKENS ARK LYMAN at four years old

Heikens Ark Lyman was one of the twins born on April 9, 2012 to Heikens Ark Loretta Lynn, daughter of Hiekens Ark Ring of Fire and  by Heikens Ark Bravo, son of CT Woodie and out of Sea Fortune a Sea Wolf daughter.

He is just starting his career.


BORN 4-9-2012
Pedigree generated by

Searchable pedigree database for members

The World Watusi Association provides a complete searchable listing of all of our registered animals to any member in good standing. Simply enter the site by clicking the link and enter your membership number as your id and your zip code as your password. The system will prompt you to change the password to one of your choice after entering the first time. If your membership number is in the 10000 series it will include a letter at the end,  i.e. 12345A, more recent membership numbers start at 20000 and do not include a letter extension. If you are not in good standing you will not be allowed access. If you have any questions, please email us at

Our breed’s relationship with dinosaurs

For those few of us that are watusi wonks (and we know who we are) this article will make us pant for it’s content.  The rest of you can go back to sleep.

Cary Woodruff is the Director of Paleontology of the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum in Malta, Montana.  He has graciously shared with us an account of his research AND it is written clearly and concisely for those of us pretty much limited to Jurassic Park for our knowledge base…..

My name is Cary Woodruff, and I am the Director of Paleontology at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum in Malta, MT. My area of specialization is in sauropod dinosaurs. Sauropods are the “long-neck” dinosaurs, and classically represented by the logo for Sinclair Oil, “Brontosaurus”, Littlefoot from the “Land Before Time”, and the Flintstone’s beloved pet Dino. So what the heck is a paleontologist studying long-neck dinosaurs doing with Ankole-Watusi? Back when I was an undergraduate student at Montana State University, I was studying a special feature in the vertebrae (“back bones”) of some sauropods. At the top of some sauropod vertebrae is a paired process that is scientifically called the bifurcated neural spine. Since the discovery of sauropods with bifurcated neural spines in the late 1800’s, no one knew what this paired feature was for. Some paleontologists speculated that it was filled with muscles, others that it was filled with air sacs (like modern birds have), and some thought that in life it was just an open trough. In over 130 years of study there was little if any consensus. While doing my undergraduate studies, I was conducting a lot of research on bifurcated neural spines, and I was captivated as to what purpose this structure served.
Traditionally, when paleontologists were studying sauropods, they looked to modern long-necks animals (like giraffes) as proxies. Unfortunately, giraffes nor any modern long-neck animal possess bifurcated neural spines, thus the purpose of this feature seemed out of reach. I decide to go back to square one. Before, paleontologists had looked to modern long neck-animals, but with no solution. Conversely, I didn’t view a sauropod neck as a long neck, I viewed it as a heavy weight extending out from the body. Thus I decided to look for modern animals that had a head size and weight that made up a large contribution to the entire animal. And that is what led me to the Ankole-Watusi.
It was a huge gamble, but no other animal alive today possess a head to body weight ratio of the Watusi, thus I sought the help of the World Watusi Association. With the Association’s help, I found amazingly kind breeders who donated 3 Watusi cows to conduct dissections on. The reason for the dissection was twofold: 1) We could test my hypothesis to see if the Watusi does have bifurcated neural spines, and 2) if so, we could finally understand the actual anatomy associated with this feature. To everyone’s amazement (myself included) I was right! The Ankole-Watusi was the first modern, plant eating, four legged animal since the sauropod dinosaurs to be recognized to possess bifurcated neural spine. What we learned from all of the work conducted on the Watusi anatomy, is that on the tops of the split spines is a likewise split ligament. This ligament – called the nuchal ligament – is very important in moving one’s head. As anyone who has played with a rubber band knows, they are elastic – if you pull it, the band will snap back. And ligaments are the same. I theorized that due to the great weight of the horns, the Watusi developed the bifurcated spines as an energy efficient means to sustain head movement.
While this is great knowledge, you may be asking, “So what does this have to do with dinosaurs?” What this means, it that for the first time in over 130 years we finally know what muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. were associated with the bifurcated spines in sauropods, and why they evolved this feature. We now hypothesize that sauropod dinosaur evolved the bifurcated neural spine to harbor a split elastic ligament that aided in prolonged feeding. We now know that sauropods did not using their long necks to feed high in trees; instead their necks were extended horizontally – like living booms. Opposed to exerting a lot of muscle energy to move the neck side to side, they could contract the neck, and let the elastic energy stored in the split ligaments pull the neck side to side. Imaging one of those toy drinking birds, but on it’s side. In fact many animals alive today use stored elastic energy – kangaroos and horses use such for movement. Thus without the Ankole-Watusi (and the support of the World Watusi Association), a 130 year old mystery is finally solved. I am still conducting more Watusi research, and undoubtedly this remarkable breed will continue to amaze and contribute to scientific discoveries.
Cary Woodruff