Just a reminder that the fall 2015 Lolli Brothers Alternative Livestock sale will be September 23-25 in Macon, MO. The Watusi sale will be held on Thursday, September 24. See consignments and information here.
All posts by Administrator
Sea Wolf
This is the late but well-known breedsire Sea Wolf, used for many years by Duane and Kolene Gilbert of Bar G Watusi. His lyre-shaped horns and speckled coat are seen in many of his offspring.
You can find Sea Wolf genetics in show champions and the bloodlines of many current foundation pure animals.

Sea Wolf
WWAFP790 |
Original #5
FP1 |
Okanagen Game Farm
Pentictan, BC, Canada |
Okanagen Game Farm
Pentictan, BC, Canada |
Barbie Doll
WWAFP470 |
King Louis
WWAFP359 |
Busch Gardens | |
Busch Gardens | ||||
AWIR32 |
Frankfurt Zoo | |||
Frankfurt Zoo | ||||
Barbara Ann
WWAFP361 |
The Colonel
WWAFP120 |
Okanagen Game Farm Pentictan, BC, Canada |
Okanagen Game Farm Pentictan, BC, Canada |
Slender Sue
WWAFP161 |
Alberta Game Park Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
Alberta Game Park Edmonton, Alberta, Canada |
Visit our new Google+ page
We’ve just setup a Google+ page for the association. We’ll be posting organization updates as well as sharing information about Watusi cattle over there. We’re looking into creating a Watusi community too.
So head over already and have a look, and don’t forget to follow us if you use G+!
More fun auction items donated
A few more of the items for our ‘Fun Auction’. The auction will be held during our annual membership meeting on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00p CT at the Comfort Inn in Macon, Missouri.
Not pictured: A southwest style mirror; 50 pound bag of 50/50 feed from Johnson Feed Store in Sparta, Missouri.
If you have items to donate, please contact Pam by phone at 270-376-2940 or by email at info@watusi.org.

Reminder: Watusi show at the Kansas State Fair
Just a reminder that the Kansas State Fair will be holding their Watusi show tomorrow September 19 at 11am.
Visit their website at www.kansasstatefair.com for more information, or contact Anne Lampe at alampe@wbsnet.org or by phone at 620.874.4273.
WWA Fun Auction
At our membership meeting on Wednesday, September 23 at 7:00p CT at the Comfort Inn in Macon, Missouri, we will host our fund raising ‘Fun Auction’. Here are a few of the items donated to date:
If you have items to donate, please contact Pam by phone at 270-376-2940 or by email at info@watusi.org.
Lolli Bros Exotic Animal Sale
As most of our members know, Watusi cattle are occasionally offered for sale at auctions, and because of the uniqueness of the breed these offerings are quite often at exotic animal sales.
Probably the most well-known of these sales is the Lolli Brothers exotic sale held every season in Macon, Missouri. Watusi and their enthusiasts can usually be found here, particularly in the spring and fall.
The next sale is being held on Thursday, September 24 in Macon, Missouri (the WWA also holds its annual membership meeting in conjunction with this sale). See the consignments pictured below and more here.
Here are some animals consigned by Heiken’s Ark of Des Moines Iowa.

New help from new members
We are pleased to announce that we have volunteers that are taking over programs for the Association. We have many new, young members and are hoping that their energy and enthusiasm will be infectious.
Rachael Moore of Cameron, Missouri has taken on the job of producing a newsletter for the association. Any personal story or bragging to be done about your livestock or just something that might catch your interest could be shared with our members through the newsletter and this website. If you have any contributions or photos or stories feel free to contact Rachel at 816-645-7461 or rlmoore091011@gmail.com.
A small organization like ours can always use more help in fund-raising, and our new volunteer Lissa Pabst of Hotchkiss, Colorado is up to the task! Any suggestions that you might have for fund raising can be run past Lissa. We have promotional items for sale at the WWA office in Texas. Lissa may be contacted at 970-201-5525 tractorlas@gmail.com.
Colorado Show
Happy Labor Day to one and all. Don’t forget that if you are in the Pueblo, Colorado area that today, September 7 is the watusi show at the livestock arena. This will be held at 3:00 pm.
Kansas State Fair Watusi Show and Exhibit
Watusi will be on display Friday, September 18 at the Kansas State Fair. The show will be Saturday, September 19 at 11:00am.
Visit their website at www.kansasstatefair.com for more information, or contact Anne Lampe at alampe@wbsnet.org or by phone at 620.874.4273.