At our spring 2021 get-together and board meeting several items have been modified. We want to expand our reach out for scholarship applicants. Anyone that has high school juniors or seniors in their life heading for college or connections to an FFA, 4H or other agriculture programs that might be interested in Watusi should check out our program.
Bull registration rules: “All bulls, Foundation Pure or Native Pure, must be registered by the breeder or the owner of the dam at the time of birth. Priivate or farm sales of bulls are eligible for registration by breeder and transfer into new owner’s name at time of registration. Any bull being sold at an auction sale must be accompanied by the hard copy of the registration papers or access to it. Bulls cannot be sold at auction on application for registration with the exception of calves less than 60 days of age being sold at the dam’s side. Any bull calves sold at auction at dam’s side must be registered with 30 days of sale.”
We will be posting our completed updated Rules on this website in the future.