Registration information


It has been brought to our attention that some of our members are unclear on the instructions when submitting their applications for registration and photographs.  Any missing information or incorrectly submitted information can result in a delay in your registration not to mention causing a backlog to our registrar.

All the spaces on the application need to be addressed each line is numbered and has instructions on the form.   They are pretty self explanatory, but if you have any questions please feel free to call the office.

#1  We do still identify our animals by their gender.  It is either an intact male, neutered male or female.  Check the box.

#2  Name your animal.  You can check online in our pedigree pages to see if a name you choose is available.  No matter how much you like Daisy, there can only be one Daisy.   Using a herd identifier is the best solution as you can still use Daisy.  If you choose to utilize a herd identifier i.e. BSR for Big Sky Ranch be sure to count those letters and/or numbers in the total of 24 spaces allowed for the animal’s name.

#3 & 4  Physical identifying marks.  Our registry does not require either holding brands or tatoos, although we do highly recommend their use.  If you have any of these on your animal described them and their locations on these lines.

#5  & 6  Sire and Dam:  All of this information is also available in the Pedigree section of the website for the sire the dam and their sires and dams.

#7  Your WWA membership number, you name and address.  The name that you list is how your registration certificate will be recorded.  This can have legal ramifications so be certain to think of that status prior to submission.

#8  Your signature

#9  Date of Application

#10  Type of birth.  Natural, AI or Embryo.

#11  Number at birth single, twin or multiple.  Although our form does not currently call for it, you should list the number and sex  i.e. 1 bull/1 heifer.

#12  Description of color and pattern.

Parts of Animal                       Abbreviation

Back                                        BK
Body                                       BDY
Brisket                                     BSK
Ears                                        ERS
Forehead                                 4-HD
Flank                                    FLK
Feet                                     FT
Head                                     HD
Hindquarters                           HNDQTRS
Hip                                    HP
Lineback                               LB
Loin                                   LN
Neck                                   NK
Rump                                   RMP
Shoulders                              SHLDRS
Switch                                 SW
Underline                              UL
Tail                                   TL
Thigh                                  THI

Color.  When giving color descriptions, begin with the most dominate color.  The description should be as short as possible and remain complete.  For example, red with white spotted sides should be abbreviated as “RD w/ WH Sptd sides.”

Colors                                      Abbreviation

Black                                     BLK
Blue                                      BLU
Brown                                     BRN
Brindle                                   BRNDL
Dun, Dull Grayish Brown      DUN
Grulla                                    GRU
Light                                     LT
Red                                       RD
Roan                                      RN
Speckled                                 SPKLD
Spotted                                   SPTD
Spots                                     SPTS
Streaked                                  STRK
White                                     WH
Yellow                                    YL

Photos are one of the major problems all of us seem to  have.  It is a pain to have to take three different photos, but it is very important especially when we are not branding and/or tatooing.

These photos may be sent in physically or emailed to the office.  There are some importance items to pay close attention to:

  1.  The clearer and closer the photo the better.
  2.  Only one animal should be in the photo.
  3.   A total of three photos are required;  One from the right side of the animal, one from the left side and one from the front.
  4. These photos should be submitted in an individual email titled with the name of the animal and only one animal per email.