From Angie Base: February 16, 2016
We lost one of our WWA members Friday to cancer. Barbara Britton whose husband was Wayne until his passing a few years ago, lost her battle. She fought long and hard and kept her Watusi until the end. Others helped her feed and such, but she always said she wouldn’t part with them until she died. It was important to her, not only because she enjoyed them so much, but also because they had meant so much to her dear husband, Wayne. She promised him she would keep them in his honor and she kept her promises. Barb was a very dedicated and extremely hard working lady who even kept showing her Watusi at the shows when she had to do it all herself and then after Wayne passed. The last few years she had to stop traveling as her cancer was making it an impossibility for her, even with help from others and her family. She promoted the breed all through the years with dignity and conviction and we will miss her. A fond farewell.