Some people just casually own a bovine or two for meat or breeding, but Barry an Kim Retchloff of Rogersville, Missouri have taken their watusi inspiration to a whole new level.
When Black Walnut Spring and the Moffatts from Oklahoma went for a visit at the Retchloff, Rusted Rail Ranch recently they sent in this note. “Got a tour of their new home and barn. Super impressive and enjoyable. Most noticeable through my eyes was that the large Canadian built log home and 3 story barn was filled with watusi memorabilia, in particular just one watusi-HA Lance Fire. Barry loved this bull (son of HA Ring of Fire) and it was obvious in how he incorporated it into their new home. Below are just a few examples but there are many more. Not shown here are his truck grill, cut rock walk way, entry way gates and even down to the towel holders in some bathrooms, all custom made and patterned after Heikens Ark Lance Fire.”
The rock painting shown in the gallery below is painted on a rock by a Colorado artist commissioned by Kim as a surprise for Barry.